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P u b l i c a t i o n s

Book length works

Probability Adventures

M. Huber

ISBN:  979-8525060036, 2021


Probability:  Lectures and Labs

M. Huber

ISBN:  978-1074207892, 2019


Perfect Simulation

M. Huber

CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability, ISBN:  978-1482232448, 2016


Perfect sampling with bounding chains

M. Huber

Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University, 1999



Tail inequalities for restricted classes of discrete random variables

Mark Huber


Refereeed articles and chapters

Generating from the Strauss Process using stitching

Mark Huber

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (MCQMC 2020), edited by Alexander Keller, 2022, 241--251, Spring, Cam.


Markov chains for computer music generation

Ilana Shapiro and Mark Huber 

Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 11:167--195, 2021.

A Probabilistic Approach to the Fibonacci Sequence

Mark Huber

The Mathematical Intelligencer, 42(3), 29--33, 2020.

Robust estimation of the mean with bounded relative standard deviation

Mark Huber

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (MCQMC 2018), edited by Bruno Tuffin and Pierre L'Ecuyer, 2020, 271--284, Springer, Cham.


Halving the bounds for the Markov, Chebyshev, and Chernoff inequalities through smoothing

Mark Huber

American Mathematical Monthly, 126(10), 915--927, 2019, arXiv:1803.06361. 


An optimal (ε,δ)-approximation scheme for the mean of random variables with bounded relative variance

M. Huber

Random Structures & Algorithms, 55(2):356370, 2019, arXiv:1706.01478. 


Adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo

M. Huber

Wiley StatsRef-Statistics Reference Online.  2019.  John Wiley & Sons, DOI:  10.1002/9781118445112.stat07851.

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Admissible Bernoulli correlations

Mark Huber and Nevena Marić

Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 6(2), 2019.  DOI:  0.1186/s40488-019-0091-5


Faster estimates of the mean of bounded random variables

Mark Huber and Bo Jones

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 161:93—101, 2019


Monte Carlo with User-Specified Relative Error

J. Feng, M. Huber, and Y. Ruan

Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics:  Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods (eds P.W. Glynn and A. Owen).  Springer.  Vol 241, Ch 12, 2018.


Adaptive Monte Carlo integration

M. Huber

Wiley StatsRef-Statistics Reference Online.  2018.  John Wiley & Sons, DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat08070.

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Using TPA for approximating the number of linear extensions

J. Banks, S. Garrabranct, M. Huber, and A. Perizzolo.

Journal of Discrete Algorithms. 51:1—11, 2018.  arXiv:1010.4981. 


Fast perfect simulation of Vervaat perpetuities

K. Cloud and M. Huber

Journal of Complexity. 42:1930. 2017. arXiv:1510.01780.  DOI: 10.1016/j.jco.2017.03.005.

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A Bernoulli mean estimate with known relative error distribution

M. Huber.

Random Structures & Algorithms, arXiv:1309.5413. 50:173—182, 2017 


Optimal Bernoulli factories for small mean problems

M. Huber

Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, arXiv:1407.00843. Vol 19, No 2, pp. 631645, 2017.

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Nearly optimal Bernoulli factories for linear functions

M. Huber

Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, arXiv: 1308.1562.  Vol 25, No 4, pp. 577—591, July 2016.

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Simulation of multivariate distributions with fixed marginals and correlations

M. Huber and N. Marić

Journal of Applied Probability, arXiv:1311.2002.  Vol 52, No 2, pp. 602—608, 2015.


Approximation algorithms for the normalizing constant of Gibbs distributions
M. Huber
Annals of Applied Probability, arXiv:1206.2689.  Vol 25, pp. 974—985, 2015.


Random construction of interpolating sets for high dimensional integration.
M. Huber and S. Schott
Journal of Applied Probability, arXiv:1112.3692.  Vol 51, No 1, pp. 92—105, 2014.


Minimum correlation for any bivariate Geometric distribution

M. Huber and N. Marić

ALEA Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, arXiv: 1406.1779. Vol 11, pp. 459—470, 2014


Near-linear time simulation of linear extensions of a height-2 poset with bounded interaction

Mark Huber

Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 2014, Article 3, 2014.

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Spatial Birth-Death-Swap Chains

Mark Huber

Bernoulli, Vol 18, No 3, pp. 1031—1041, arXiv:1006.5934, 2012


Bounds on the artificial phase transition for perfect simulation of hard core Gibbs processes

Mark L. Huber, Elise Villella, Daniel Rozenfeld, and Jason Xu

Involve, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 247—255​, 2012


Simulation reduction of the Ising model to general matchings
Mark Huber and Jenny Law

Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 17,  pp. 1—15, Article 33, 2012

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Monotonic multigamma coupling for perfect sampling

F. Mitha and M. L. Huber

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol 82, No 4, pp 603—622, 2012


Spatial point processes

Mark Huber

In S. Brooks, A. Gelman, G. Jones, and X. Meng, editors, Handbook of MCMC, pp. 227—252, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2011


Simulation reductions for the Ising model

M. L. Huber

Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 413—424, 2011



Perfect simulation of Vervaat perpetuities

J. A. Fill  and M. L. Huber

Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 15, pp. 96—109, Article 4, 2010

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Using TPA for Bayesian inference

M. L. Huber and S. Schott

Bayesian Statistics 9, pp. 257—282, 2010


The stationary Matérn hard core process of type III.

J. Møller, M. L. Huber, and R. L. Wolpert

Stochastic Processes and Applications, Vol 120, pp. 2142—2158, 2010


Likelihood-based inference for Matérn type-III repulsive point processes

M. L. Huber and R. L. Wolpert

Advances in Applied Probability, Vol 41, No 4, pp. 958—977, 2009


Conditions for rapid mixing of parallel and simulated tempering on multimodal distributions

D. B. Woodward, S. C. Schmidler, and M. Huber

Annals of Applied Probability, Vol 19, No 2, pp. 617—640, 2012


Sufficient conditions for torpid mixing of parallel and simulated tempering

D. B. Woodward, S. C. Schmidler, and M. Huber

Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 14, pp. 780—804, Article 29, 2009

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Perfect simulation with exponential tails

M. Huber

Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol 33. No 1, pp. 29—43, 2008

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Fast approximation of the permanent for very dense problems

M. Huber and J. Law.

Proceedings of 19th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp 681—689, 2008

Perfect simulation for image restoration

M. Huber

Stochastic Models, Vol 23, No 3, 2007



The ancestral distance test:  A topdown approach to detect correlated evolution in large lineages with missing character data and incomplete phylogenies

D. Hearn and M. Huber

Systemic Biology, Vol 55, No 5, pp. 803—817, 2006

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Exact sampling from perfect matchings of dense regular bipartite graphs

M. Huber

Algorithmica, Vol 44, pp. 183—193, 2006

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Fast perfect sampling from linear extensions

M. Huber

Discrete Mathematics, Vol 306, pp. 420—428, 2006

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Monte Carlo algorithms for Hardy-Weinberg proportions

M. Huber, Y. Chen, I. Dinwoodie, A. Dobra, and M. Nicholas

Biometrics, Vol 62, pp. 49—53, 2006

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Lattice points, contingency tables, and sampling

Y. Chen, I. Dinwoodie, A. Dobra, and M. Huber

Contemporary  Mathematics, Vol 374, pp. 65—78, 2005

Force distributions in a trigonal lattice of rigid bars

B. Tighe, J. Socolar, D. Schaeffer, W. Mitchener, and M. Huber

Physical Review E, Vol 72, pp. 031306, 2005

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Perfect sampling using bounding chains

M. Huber

Annals of Applied Probability, Vol 14, No 2, pp. 734—753, 2004

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The stationary distribution in the Antivoter model:  exact sampling and approximations

M. Huber and G. Reinert

In Stein's Method: Expository Lectures and Applications, IMS Lecture Notes 46, pp. 79—94, 2004.

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A bounding chain for Swendsen-Wang

M. L. Huber

Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol 22, No 1, pp. 43—59, 2003

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Optimal token allocations in Solitarie Knock 'm Down

A. T. Benjamin, M. T. Fluet, and M. L. Huber

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 8, No 2, pp. 1—8, 2001

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The Randomness Recycler:  A new approach to perfect sampling.

J. A. Fill and M. L. Huber

Proceedings of the 41st Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pp. 503—511, 2000

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A faster method for sampling independent sets

Mark L. Huber

Proceedings of the 11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 625—626, 2000

Exact sampling using Swendsen-Wang

Mark Huber

Proceedings of the 10th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 921—922, 1999

Finite groups can be arbitrarily Hamiltonian

Stephen T. Ahearn, Mark L. Huber & Gary J. Sherman 

Communications in Algebra, 27:3, 1013—1016, 1999 DOI: 10.1080/00927879908826477

Exact sampling and approximate counting techniques

Mark L. Huber

Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on the Theory of Computing, pp. 31—40, 1998

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