Getting back to work
After a month of lock downs and self-isolation, many people are eager to get back to normal life. This is not just about the emotions,...
A word about the novel coronavirus...
So today my school and the Claremont Colleges in general decided to move courses online for the rest of the semester. This has led some...
Coding as a fundamental skill
I was reading a perspective that views the effort to teach kids coding as a "fetishization" of the subject. Naturally, I disagree....
Why Calculus?
Sometimes people ask me, why should students study Calculus? Today I saw this figure in a major magazine. Now, the law of diminishing...
Data science as a liberal art
I was asked recently to write a few paragraphs about how I feel data science as a liberal art, being as I am teaching Foundations of Data...
Tau: you spin me right round
Okay, so there still seems to be some confusion about Tau versus Pi. Tau is the full circle constant, and represents 360 degrees, so one...
Calculus on Schoolhouse Rock
I discovered quite by accident while watching the Schoolhouse Rock video on adjectives that the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is used...
Give a better interview over Skype
Things I wish graduate advisors had told their students about doing Skype interviews. Do *not* sit in front of a window, door, or any...
Galadriel and the Ring
Las Vegas is definitely what would have happened to Middle-Earth if Galadriel had taken the ring.
Mathematics and the Bard
I never knew until now that there is some mathematics in Shakespeare's "As you like it" Celia: Yes; I think he is not a pick-purse nor a ...